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In continuous click competition, online businesses use data to improve customer experiences and drive loyalty. Specifically, structured data is an essential tool that helps eCommerce retailers offer a more personalized shopping experience by recommending relevant products and streamlining the checkout process.

Take The Food Network: its online content began including structured data like recipe ingredients and cooking processes. As a result, website visits increased 35 percent. With structured data in their articles, readers could find their content more easily.

Let’s explore how this data can increase your online store's visibility and enhance the overall customer journey.

Understanding the Basics of Structured Data in eCommerce

Content creators can apply a machine-readable format that provides detailed information when publishing content online, whether it’s a blog post or a product page. This format, called structured data, allows search engines to learn more about the web page. As a result, companies show up in search results.

group of devs preparing structure data

Structured data is organized and fits neatly within specific fields. Consider the data as entries in a typical spreadsheet, such as name, address, price, and customer account number. Automated tools make a seller’s information easier to process and analyze. For instance, buyers can easily locate specific items if a seller’s catalog features its products, colors, sizes, and stock as structured data.

Structured data is also known as schema markup. eCommerce websites can use schema markup to highlight certain product details, which leads to more informative search results and generates more clicks.

In a nutshell, this data allows a company to share content search engines will give preference to. With a higher-ranking search result, more customers will find your page.

How Structured Data Improves Navigation and Search in eCommerce

Structured data provides a standard format for product information, which can boost an eCommerce company’s chances of landing on Google’s front page. This makes it easier for shoppers to find what they’re looking for. More importantly, it allows companies to create extensive product catalogs that provide rich details.

Moreover, online retailers can improve their search and filter functionalities with structured data. The eCommerce platform can understand and interpret search queries better, so it presents more accurate and relevant search results. Filter and sort options will also be more accurate, creating a more enjoyable shopping experience.

Personalizing User Experience With Structured Data

Personalized recommendations are the new standard in heightened customer experiences. In fact, 60% of consumers will become repeat customers thanks to a personalized shopping experience.

girl buying something online with her friend

Snippets gathered from a customer’s structured data can generate personalized recommendations. By looking at a customer’s browsing history, sellers can determine the products they like or prefer. A customer’s purchase history shows which products they consistently buy.

For example, buyers who frequent the custom design section of an online T-shirt seller might want to upload their designs for production. So, the seller could offer a discount for their first order. Or if a shopper makes frequent purchases but in small increments, the vendor could offer free shipping on an increased order amount.

In both situations, the retailer is learning from customers’ behaviors based on structured data. They can then act to move the shopper forward in the sales process.

The Importance of Structured Data for Mobile eCommerce User Experience

Mobile eCommerce has already replaced desktop eCommerce as the platform of choice. Mobile visits to eCommerce sites outnumber desktop visits 75% to 25%, although the conversion rates for mobile-based sales are around 50%.

Applying structured data can improve the user experience in mobile eCommerce, which can lead to better conversion rates. Online retailers must design mobile-friendly websites and optimize their mobile sites and apps for a seamless experience.

group preparing ecommerce website

Structured data helps vendors achieve this by putting product information in a standardized format. This makes it easy for shoppers to navigate product pages and search for items on their mobile devices.

You can also use rhis type of data this structured data to create mobile-specific product listings that are ideal for smaller screens and faster loading times.

Optimizing eCommerce User Experience With Structured Data Best Practices

To provide relevant search information, companies should apply certain distinguishable schema markup properties. This will make it easier for customers to find the information they want and make purchasing decisions.


Product is the most basic schema because it allows you to list all the products in your inventory. The more additional details you include, such as size or color, the better the chances of your product being found.


The organization schema allows you to share a little information your company. Google can even use this to display a knowledge panel about your company on the right side of the search results. Knowing more about the seller can ease a buyer’s mind about purchases.

BlogPosting and VideoObject

BlogPosting and VideoObject are two separate but related schemas. They allow you to markup blogs or video content found on your site related to the product. These blogs and videos are great resources for customers searching for additional information such as tutorials, demonstrations, or reviews.

Deliver an Exceptional User Experience With Smart Merchandiser

Although structured data comprises only 20% of all eCommerce data, sellers appreciate its potential to improve the customer experience. As long as buyers prefer personalized sales journeys, structured data will be a valuable ally. Leading the way are online storefronts with organized product catalogs and robust search and filter features.

Zobrist’s Smart Merchandiser is the epitome of the structured data-powered storefront. It uses this data to organize products from the most prolific online display catalogs. In addition, Smart Merchandiser’s continuous and real-time inventory updates mean buyers won’t be caught by surprise stockouts. If they can see an item, it’s available.

We’ll help you make sense of your data so you can create an exceptional customer experience. Contact us today.